Some words about me

De la YO3ITI
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Hi, I am a Ham Radio hobbyist from Bucharest, Romania. My callsign is YO3ITI and you can find more details about my radio activity on If you landed here there is a very good chance you came via my page looking for some additional information about me. I am not a very active radioamateur though, I am mostly interested in building and testing radio-related electronics projects. Modeling and simulation is also an area I am particularly interested in. On the other side, unfortunately I am not maintaing this wiki in any other language than Romanian so either drop me an email (if something here caught your eye) or please check my other web site, AlaudaProjects if you are still interested in some "other" things I do. This one is my ham radio related website and it looks like it looks because I found that MediaWiki works best for me keeping this info structured. It also contains some general programming topics and some niche subjects (for example those listed under Matlab). Also I am currently re-organizing my GitHub repos so I will try to catch up and update here any GiHub info if you're inetersted in cloning some of my projects (very unlikely, anyway) :). Stay tuned and thank you for passing by.

73 de YO3ITI